Krug Vintageシャンパン750ml箱なし[AOC]シャンパーニュ[評価]98点The real surprise among Krug’s 1996s is the1996 Vintage which is drinking beautifullyeven among this rarified air of single-vineyardChampagnes. The 1996 Vintage is explosive andcreamy with just the right balance of powerrichness and freshness. The mousse is perhapsjust a touch less refined than in the 1996Clos du Mesnil and Clos d’Ambonnay but itis also perfectly measured with the wine’sexuberant personality. This multi-dimensionaltextured Champagne is at the early part ofits drinking window and promises to deliveran incredible drinking experience over thecoming decades. The take-away from this flightof 1996s from Krug is simple. Although the1996 Vintage can’t possibly be described asinexpensive it shows exceptionally well nextto its much more expensive brethren andclearly delivers a similar level of quality.Readers who have the opportunity to pick upthis wine should not hesitate. It is a gem.No disgorgement date provided.Anticipated maturity: 2009-2036.186 The Wine Advocate (22nd Dec 2009)商品コード:40490150製造元:Krug